When forming the Neighbourhood Plan, it is vital that there is an inclusive process taking account of feedback from all of those who reside or have a business within the Parish. Three questionnaires have been issued to all residents to date and others will follow. A summary of the key factors that arose from these recent questionnaires are detailed below:
March 2021 Questionnaire
This brief survey to determine the level of support for a Neighbourhood Plan resulted in 223 responses with 220 returns in favour of producing a Neighbourhood Plan and 3 opposed. On the basis of these responses, the Parish Council decided to proceed with the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan and obtained the formal designation for this from Sevenoaks District Council. Grant funding has been secured for consultants work, leaflets and other costs, and the Parish Council will cover any remaining costs in the preparation of the Plan.
October 2021 Questionnaire
A questionnaire was delivered to all residents of Hartley seeking views and opinions on six subject matters. A total of 286 responses were received, equating to an 11.5% return on the 2,500 questionnaires delivered. A summary of the responses can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Consultation October 2021
October 2023 Questionnaire
Approximately 2,500 questionnaires were issued to residents of Hartley in October 2023, with a final closing date agreed of 31st December 2023. A total of 559 responses were received, 331 of which were completed electronically and 228 via paper returns. A summary of the responses can be seen by clicking on the link below:
Consultation October 2023
Housing Needs Survey - March 2024
This survey was undertaken during the first 3 months of 2024 and the findings show that 9 residents of Hartley are seeking Affordable Housing and 11 Social Housing. The full report can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
Housing Needs Survey March 2024
Business Survey - 2024
This survey was undertaken during the first few months of 2024 to obtain information on businesses operating within the Parish and to ensure that appropriate data is included in the Neighbourhood Plan. 9 businesses responded and a summary can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
Business questionnaire summary
Drop-in Meetings - 17th & 20th April 2024
These drop-in meetings were well supported and approximately 100 residents visited over the two days. The papers which were displayed at the drop-in meetings can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
Papers displayed at drop-in meetings
A questionnaire asking for feedback on the drop-in meetings and views on the draft Policy Statements was provided to all attendees of these drop in meetings and 84 questionnaires were completed. A summary of the responses can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Drop-in summary of questionnaires