This area of the website will be used to store key background information needed for the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) for Hartley was produced by a Landscape Architect. The LCA is a tool to help understand what the landscape in Hartley is like today, how it came to be like that and how it might change in the future. Its role is to help ensure that change and development does not undermine what is characteristic or valued about any particular landscape and to consider how the character of a place can be improved.
The Green Belt Assessment report relates to the land along Hartley's boundary with New Ash Green. It was produced by a Planning Consultant to help us understand the value of the Green Belt in Hartley and the need to protect it for the future.
The Design Code Report was produced by AECOM Planning Consultants to meet the National Planning Policy Framework's desire to promote good design for future development proposals and create better places in which to live and work and help make development acceptable to communities.