Steering Group

A Steering Group consisting of 13 individuals has been formed to progress the development of the Hartley Neighbourhood Plan. All Members of the Group reside in the Parish and are a mix of local Councillors and residents. They have been tasked to finalise and deliver the Plan to the Parish Council for onward delivery to Sevenoaks District Council. It will then be assessed by an independent examiner to make sure it complies with all legal requirements. Once this has been completed it will be subject to a public referendum. At least 50% of those voting yes will be needed to bring the Plan into force.

The members of the Steering Group are:

Chris Alford (Chair)
Mark Heeley 
Gary Andrews

Stephen Goss 

Glenn Back 
David Conroy 
Perry Cole                  

Jim Colwell
Stephanie Cassidy
Gerald Cramp
Tracy Longley
Ian Ross (Vice Chair)
Vince Sewell

The Steering Group meets at frequent intervals throughout the year, the minutes for which can be viewed below. Meetings of the Group are open to the public. Meeting dates and times together with Agendas will be available here in the future.

The next meeting is at 2pm on 13th March 2024 in Hartley Library.

8 Jan 24


21 Feb 24



13 Mar 24



10 Apr 24



15 May 24
